Dr. Rashid bin Hasan Al Almaie
Date of Birth
City Of Birth
Rijal Almaie
He has a doctorate in creed and doctrines from the Imam university
About The Detainee
He is retired. He used to work as a professor at Al-Malik Khalid university teaching creed and contemporary doctrines. He also used to hold some awareness talks in Abha and in the province of Rijal Almaie. He is a prominent figurehead in Rijal Almaie.
Arrest And Human Rights Violations

Date Of Arrest:

City Of Internment:

His attendance at an officially authorized seminar titled “Freedom Between Slogan and Reality,” presented by Dr. Saud Al-Funaisan at the residence of Dr. Awad Al-Qarni nine years before his arrest, as well as his possession of the book “From the Guidance of Islam: Contemporary Fatwas.”


Practices And Violations
- Arbitrary detention
- Denial of communication with his family
- Enforced disappearance
- Deliberate medical neglect
- Unfair trial
- Unjust sentencing despite the baselessness of the Public Prosecution's claims and lack of sufficient evidence
- Continued detention despite his advanced age

The Human Dimension In His Detention
He is elderly and suffers from hypertension and diabetes, which have recently caused significant difficulty in walking and mobility. Additionally, he has a severe and chronic neurological condition, as confirmed by medical reports. His imprisonment has exacerbated his health issues, leading to intense pain, while his condition continues to deteriorate alarmingly with each passing day.


Trial and legal proceedings
He was sentenced to 9 years in prison, along with a 9-year travel ban.
The Public Prosecution accused him of supporting terrorist ideologies and concealing individuals allegedly seeking to disrupt public order, destabilize state security, and endanger its unity.
Regarding the allegations of supporting a banned group and concealing individuals with extremist ideologies, he stated that the charges were vague and unsupported by evidence. He explained that he was unaware of the presence of detainees at the seminar and denied any knowledge that any attendees held extremist views. Furthermore, he was not given an opportunity to express his opinion during the seminar and remained silent throughout.
As for the alleged banned book, he clarified that he acquired it after learning that its author was honored with the King Faisal International Prize for Islamic Studies. The book is purely a jurisprudential text with no connection to extremist ideologies. He also emphasized that owning the book does not equate to endorsing the author’s opinions.
Time Line For Arrest
The Specialized Criminal Court sentenced him to 9 years in prison and imposed an additional 9-year travel ban
Date of his arrest