Mohammed Al-Hazzaa Al-Ghamdi


Date of Birth
City Of Birth

About The Detainee

A Saudi teacher and caricaturist who worked for the Qatari newspaper "Lusail" before the Gulf diplomatic crisis, and continued to collaborate with them for a short period after the crisis.

Arrest And Human Rights Violations

Date Of Arrest:
City Of Internment:
Practices And Violations
- The authorities did not present any legal documents for the search of his home. - His home was searched without regard for his pregnant wife’s condition. - All his devices and artworks were confiscated. - His private art studio at home was tampered with. - One of his children suffered a severe psychological breakdown following the home raid. - He was subjected to torture and coerced into signing confessions under duress. - He was forced to confess to the alleged charges. - He was forcibly disappeared for several months. - All communication with his family was cut off after his arrest. - His family has been restricted in their visitation rights since the sentencing. - He has experienced repeated periods of communication blackout. - He continues to face degrading treatment. - He is subjected to deliberate medical neglect.
The Human Dimension In His Detention
Since his arrest, he has been suffering from diabetes, nerve issues, back problems, and other health conditions. His health has significantly deteriorated due to deliberate medical neglect, despite his urgent need for treatment. This neglect has led to a severe decline in his condition, necessitating his transfer to the hospital, where he was admitted for several days. Despite the life-threatening nature of his situation, the medical neglect persists.
Dhahban Prison in Jeddah
Trial and legal proceedings
Charges by the Public Prosecution against Mohammed Al-Hazza: - Showing sympathy towards Qatar and portraying it as opposing Saudi policy through caricatures (totaling 100 drawings, according to the prosecution). - A tweet stating that Qatar does not deserve the boycott. - Communicating with entities hostile to Saudi Arabia (employees at Lusail newspaper). - Following accounts critical of the Saudi regime and prominent Arab figures on X (formerly Twitter). - Supporting terrorist ideologies through tweets. - Insulting the Saudi government through caricatures. Mohammed Al-Hazza's Defense: - He worked at Lusail newspaper before and briefly after the boycott. - The 100 caricatures are not insulting to Saudi Arabia, and most of them address internal Qatari affairs. - The 100 caricatures are his total output while working with the newspaper, not what he drew after the boycott. - Some caricatures presented as evidence by the prosecution were not his and were fabricated. - He denied making any statement about Qatar not deserving the boycott, and no material evidence supports this claim. - He presented a letter from Dr. Ghazi Al-Gosaibi (former Minister of Labor), praising his critical caricatures as constructive criticism. - His communication with Qatari entities was with citizens, not government officials, and the crisis was between governments, not peoples. - He pointed out that Qatar was not officially classified as a hostile state at the time of the alleged actions nor at the time of the ruling. - He requested the prosecution to present a legal text criminalizing the act of following accounts on Twitter, which the prosecution failed to provide. Observations on the Trial: - The prosecution failed to present any evidence proving that his caricatures insulted the Saudi government. - The prosecution could not cite a legal text criminalizing the act of following accounts on Twitter. - Al-Hazza's defense was completely ignored, including the fabricated charges based on fake tweets. - The court acknowledged that the evidence did not suffice to prove the charge of insulting the leadership, yet he was convicted on the charge. - Initial sentence: 6 years in prison, with a travel ban for an equivalent period. - Final sentence after the case was reopened: 23 years in prison, without the possibility of appeal.

Time Line For Arrest




A six-year prison sentence with an equal travel ban duration


After the case was reopened, he was sentenced to 23 years in prison, with no option for appeal


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