Mohammed Muthar Mohammed Fadhail

Businessman / Economist


Date of Birth
City Of Birth

About The Detainee

Mohammed Muthar Mohammed Fadhail, a Yemeni national, is a businessman and tribal leader known for his support of the ruling regime in Saudi Arabia. He relocated there in 2014 following the events that unfolded in Yemen at that time. He has various business ventures in Saudi Arabia and the Republic of Turkey. The Yemeni government has relied on him for implementing reforms and resolving disputes among Yemeni tribes. He is also well-known for his strong opposition to the Houthi group "Ansar Allah," with several of his relatives having been killed in the southern border of Saudi Arabia in conflicts against the Houthis.

Arrest And Human Rights Violations

Date Of Arrest:
City Of Internment:
He was arrested due to his connections with Yasin Aqtay, an advisor to the Turkish president, and was also accused of supporting the Muslim Brotherhood, Hezbollah, the Houthi group
During his detention, Mohammed faced illegal excesses by the security forces, who arrested him without a court order or any official document authorizing his arrest or the search of his home. His home was raided, and his family was terrorized.
Practices And Violations
He endured physical abuse including being beaten on his head and stomach and kicked in the legs to coerce confessions from him, resulting in two coerced admissions. He was held in solitary confinement for four months and twenty days and was denied communication with his family and children in Turkey. His request to have his brother represent him in Turkish courts was denied, leading to significant losses in his investments in Turkey.
The Human Dimension In His Detention
Severe financial losses in his business operations in Turkey.
Trial and legal proceedings
The prosecution based its case against Mohammed on several pieces of evidence, including his attendance at a conference in Turkey that gathered a number of investors. As one of the investors, Mohammed participated and was photographed with Yasin Aqtay, an advisor to the Turkish president. Additionally, the prosecution's charges were supported by the contents found on his phone: a video of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan with glorifying text, a photo of the late Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi, a picture of Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, and an offensive image of Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz and the former Crown Prince of the UAE, Mohammed bin Zayed. There was also a screenshot of a WhatsApp group conversation titled "Yemeni Updates No. 1." On the contrary side, the Public Prosecutor's Office claimed that Fadhil supported the Houthi group based on a Facebook account bearing his full name, which he denied owning, urging the authorities to inspect the devices he uses. However, the prosecution failed to prove that he owned the account. Based on these charges, he was initially sentenced to 7 years in prison, which was increased to 27 years upon appeal.

Time Line For Arrest




He was sentenced to 7 years in prison


The sentence against him was increased to 25 years in prison.


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