The Third Anniversary of the Arrest of Human Rights Activist Asmaa Al-Subaie

The Third Anniversary of the Arrest of Human Rights Activist Asmaa Al-Subaie

These days mark the third anniversary of the arrest of human rights activist Asmaa Al-Subaie, who was detained in June 2021 due to tweets in which she defended women’s rights and the rights of women subjected to domestic violence.

According to human rights reports, a security force raided the home of activist Asmaa Al-Subaie in Riyadh, where she was arrested, and all her electronic devices were confiscated. During her detention, Asmaa was subjected to several violations, including enforced disappearance and sexual harassment. Additionally, the Saudi authorities forced Asmaa to appear on official channels in an attempt to polish their image, which is marred by practices of repression and illegal arrests.

SANAD Organisation for Human Rights calls on the Saudi authorities to immediately and unconditionally release Asmaa Al-Subaie and compensate her for the violations she has suffered. SANAD Organisation also urges the release of all prisoners of conscience in Saudi Arabia.

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