SANAD Organisation demands the immediate release of Dr. Walid Al-Huweirini
SANAD Organisation demands the immediate release of Dr. Walid Al-Huweirini
In September 2017, Saudi authorities arrested Dr. Walid Al-Huweirini based on his writings and intellectual opinions, and he was sentenced to five years in prison, which ended in September 2022. However, the Saudi authorities have not released him to this day.
In prison, Al-Huweirini was subjected to several violations, including solitary confinement, denial of communication with his family, and he was tried in secret sessions without being allowed to hire a lawyer, in violation of the most basic laws of justice.
SANAD Organisation for Human Rights affirms that the continued detention of Dr. Al-Huweirini is arbitrary and illegal, and calls for his immediate and unconditional release.