SANAD organisation calls for the release of Ahmed Abdulnasser Al-Huwaiti and his detained family.
SANAD organisation calls for the release of Ahmed Abdulnasser Al-Huwaiti and his detained family.
For over 1,100 days, Saudi authorities have been detaining the young man Ahmed Abdulnasser Al-Huwaiti due to his refusal to undergo forced displacement from his home in Al-Huwaitat.
His arrest took place in October 2020 while he was at Prince Fahd bin Sultan University, where Ahmed Abdulnasser was studying. The university was surrounded by security forces during his arrest, constituting another violation by Saudi authorities.
In September 2022, the Specialized Criminal Court issued a verdict sentencing him to 20 years in prison for his refusal to undergo forced displacement. The verdict also included several of his relatives, including his father Abdulnasser, who was sentenced to 27 years in prison, and his uncle Mahmoud Al-Huwaiti, who received a 35-year prison sentence. Furthermore, his mother, Halima Al-Huwaiti, remains subjected to enforced disappearance to this day.
SANAD organisation expresses deep concern regarding these grave human rights violations and calls for the immediate release of Ahmed Abdulnasser Al-Huwaiti and all members of his family, as well as the provision of the necessary compensation.