Judicial Manipulation in the Trial of Mohammed Nasser Al-Ghamdi, and SANAD organisation Issues a Warning to the Saudi Government

In a concerning development in the case of retired teacher Mohammed Nasser Al-Ghamdi, today’s appeal session witnessed a postponement of the ruling for an additional two months. Despite all parties being present, the judge did not start the session until two women from the Saudi Human Rights Commission entered, after nearly an hour of waiting.

The judge, who opened the session briefly, announced the delay in issuing the verdict, citing the need for more time to review a report on criminal responsibility. However, this move has raised widespread concerns, especially since the case revolves around social media posts and does not involve any criminal acts that would warrant a report on criminal responsibility. This only reinforces suspicions of judicial manipulation and confusion in how the Saudi judiciary is handling the case.

While the Saudi government should immediately release Mohammed Al-Ghamdi, we are witnessing the continuation of this judicial farce, confirming the absence of justice in Saudi Arabia. Instead of resolving the case and promptly releasing him due to the lack of evidence, the court continues to manipulate the process by delaying sessions and fabricating baseless excuses, attempting to divert the case from its course.

For its part, SANAD Human Rights Organisation has issued a strong warning to the Saudi government, demanding an end to this judicial farce and the immediate and unconditional release of Al-Ghamdi. The organization emphasizes that his continued detention constitutes a blatant violation of human rights and freedom of expression.

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