Hilal Al-Qurashi: Caught Between Medical Neglect and Imprisonment in Saudi Arabia, A Continued Struggle

The Saudi authorities have been detaining Hilal Al-Qurashi since April 2020, holding him in Al-Ha’ir Prison in Riyadh as part of a campaign targeting many social media activists. Initially sentenced to four years in prison, his sentence was extended to 20 years upon appeal.

Al-Qurashi has suffered from several health conditions, including diabetes and high blood pressure, and has completely lost sight in his right eye due to deliberate medical neglect. Authorities have also prevented his family from providing him with private treatment at a government-supervised hospital. The Saudi government continues to detain a large number of activists expressing their opinions freely, aiming to silence voices and stifle freedom of expression.

SANAD Organisation for Human Rights calls on the Saudi authorities to immediately release Hilal Al-Qurashi and provide him with adequate compensation. The organization also demands the release of all prisoners of conscience and an end to the repression against those expressing their views.

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