The Saudi authorities continue the enforced disappearance of retired Colonel Zakaria Hassan Al-Zahrani

The Saudi authorities continue the enforced disappearance of retired Colonel Zakaria Hassan Al-Zahrani

Since October 2021, the Saudi authorities have been forcibly disappearing retired Colonel Zakaria Hassan Al-Zahrani. The human rights organization Sanad revealed that he was arrested after posting a video criticizing Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s policies. In the video, he pointed out changes in the identity of society, the looting of money from citizens and residents under various pretexts, and the rise in unemployment levels.

Since his arrest, no information has been provided about Al-Zahrani’s condition or whereabouts, raising concerns about his safety and the conditions of his detention. This arrest is part of a broader campaign by the Saudi authorities against critical and opposing voices, which has intensified since Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman assumed power in the country.

SANAD Organisation for Human Rights calls on the Saudi authorities to immediately disclose the fate of Colonel Al-Zahrani and release him promptly, ensuring his safety. The organization also urges the international community and human rights organizations to pressure the Saudi authorities to reveal Al-Zahrani’s fate and secure his release.

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