The young detainee Ali Aal-Rabei…the risk of unjust execution follows him

Human rights organisations are calling on state authorities in Saudi Arabia to stop the imminent execution of a young adult.

Ali Aal-Rabei was arrested on Eid day and charged with several minor charges, including protesting against the state government.

Ali was also arbitrarily arrested by Saudi security forces back in December 2013, whilst visiting his two brothers, who had been subsequently executed, following unfair trials.

Like other social activists, human rights campaigners and reformers the state authorities are accused of depriving and violating Mr Aal-Rabei’s rights. There are reports of Rabei having suffered verbal insults, torture, deprivation of visits and contact with relatives, as well as the lack of legal support.

It is claimed Ali Aal-Rabei was subjected to unfair trials, and the judiciary issued an unwarranted sentence against him with the death penalty, on the grounds of minor charges.

SANAD, a human rights organisation with a focus on arbitrary detentions said, “Death sentences are a clear violation of laws and treaties, especially since most of the sentences issued by the Saudi authority are not based on real serious crimes, according to reports by Human Rights Watch.”

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