The Saudi authorities continue to detain human rights activist Asma Al-Subaie
The Saudi authorities continue to detain human rights activist Asma Al-Subaie
The Saudi authorities continue to detain human rights activist Asma Al-Subaie since June 2, 2021, due to tweets in which she defended women’s rights and those subjected to domestic violence.
A security force raided “Asma Al-Subaie’s” home in Riyadh, arresting her and confiscating all her electronic devices. In prison, she faced numerous violations, including enforced disappearance, sexual harassment, and the Saudi regime forced her to appear on its official channels to polish its image.
SANAD Organisation for Human Rights affirms that the continued detention of Asma Al-Subaie without any legal reasons constitutes a severe violation of human rights and calls on the Saudi authorities to immediately and unconditionally release her.