The continued detention of Amani Al-Zain since May 2020
The continued detention of Amani Al-Zain since May 2020
In May 2020, the Saudi repression reached social media activist Amani Al-Zain, who was arrested from her residence in Jeddah by a direct order from Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Al-Zain’s arrest was based on the circulation of a video clip in which she referred to the Saudi Crown Prince as “Abu Manshar” (Father of the Saw). Since then, she has been held in the prisons of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under enforced disappearance, without any information about her place of detention, her health condition, or even her fate.
The disappearance of Amani Al-Zain represents a glaring example of human rights violations in Saudi Arabia, where the authorities practice a policy of silencing and brutally suppressing opposition and those expressing their opinions.
SANAD Organisation for Human Rights strongly condemns the continued detention and enforced disappearance of activist Amani Al-Zain, considering it a violation of international law and human rights. SANAD Organisation demands the Saudi authorities to immediately release her, disclose her place of detention, ensure her safety, and provide her with a fair trial. Additionally, SANAD Organisation calls on the international community to take serious steps to pressure Saudi Arabia to stop its human rights violations.