Over Two Years since the Enforced Disappearance and Unlawful Detention of Abdulrahman Farhana in Saudi Jails
The Saudi authorities continue to forcibly disappear the 63-year-old Jordanian journalist, Abdulrahman Farhana, since he was put in Saudi detention more than two years ago, without clear charges or legal justification.
Farhana’s was unlawfully detained on February 22, 2019 by the Saudi security forces, among other Jordanians and Palestinians detainees, and he is still in the Mabahith prison in Dammam.
Farhana is subjected to ill-treatment in his place of detention and facing long delays in his trial, while in the same time suffering from chronic diseases that require urgent medical attention. He was even denied basic rights of appointing a lawyer and contacting his family, like many others who have disappeared into the “black hole” of Saudi prisons without any indication of when they would be released.
The Saudi authorities remain responsible for their violations against prisoners of conscience, reformists, and human right activists, as the authorities intentionally and constantly delay their trials due to the absence of justice, independent legal system, and respect for human rights.