New 15-Year Prison Sentence for Asaad Al-Ghamdi Amid Health Deterioration and Shoulder Dislocation

The Court of Appeal has issued a new 15-year prison sentence against teacher Asaad bin Nasser Al-Ghamdi, who was previously sentenced to 20 years in prison for tweets on platform X in which he expressed his opinion. This ruling highlights the confusion and farce within the Saudi judicial system and continues the crackdown on activists and those expressing their views in Saudi Arabia.

Close sources reported that Asaad recently suffered a shoulder dislocation, which required hospital treatment. They also indicated that his health is steadily deteriorating due to deliberate medical neglect by Saudi authorities.

Asaad Al-Ghamdi was arrested in November 2022 and has since faced numerous violations, including physical and psychological torture, as well as harsh detention conditions. He has been held in solitary confinement and denied contact with his family, leading to a significant decline in his mental and physical well-being.

SANAD Human Rights Organization condemns the sentence issued against Al-Ghamdi and calls for its cancellation and his immediate release. The organization emphasizes the need to respect freedom of expression and human rights and urges Saudi authorities to put an end to these repeated violations that undermine individual dignity and negatively impact society as a whole.

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