Activist Bandar Al-Jahdali spends years in arbitrary detention due to a tweet
Activist Bandar Al-Jahdali spends years in arbitrary detention due to a tweet
The Saudi authorities continue their arbitrary arrest of activist Bandar Al-Jahdali since November 2019, without any legal reasons.
In 2019, Al-Jahdali tweeted on his account on the platform x “formerly Twitter”, asking the Saudi authorities to provide job opportunities for him and the youth, criticizing the rampant unemployment in the country.
This voice did not sit well with the Saudi authorities, who then arbitrarily arrested him, without any legal reasons, in a clear violation of human rights.
SANAD Organisation for Human Rights calls on the Saudi authorities to release the young Bandar Al-Jahdali, who has been detained for more than four years, and to provide him with the necessary compensation.