Execution of Abdullah Al-Shahri on Ambiguous Charges Condemned by Sanad Organization

The Saudi authorities today issued a statement announcing the execution of citizen Abdullah bin Ali bin Sharai Al-Shahri, based on accusations related to crimes described as “betrayal of the homeland” and “terrorism.” This ruling comes amid an escalating wave of executions in the Kingdom, which has seen an unprecedented rise in recent times.

SANAD Human Rights Organisation strongly condemns the execution of Abdullah bin Ali bin Sharai Al-Shahri by the Saudi authorities, based on vague and unspecified charges related to so-called “betrayal of the homeland” and “terrorism.” The organization asserts that these ambiguous accusations constitute a blatant violation of justice and human rights and clearly demonstrate the use of the judiciary as a tool to suppress dissenting voices and settle political scores.

SANAD organisation further emphasizes that these arbitrary actions highlight the lack of transparency and independence in the Saudi judicial system. The organization also stresses that trials in such cases lack the minimum standards of justice and calls for an immediate halt to these rulings, ensuring fair trials that adhere to international human rights standards.

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