Dr. Saleh Al-Talib: Six Years of Imprisonment and Ongoing Suffering

These days mark the sixth anniversary of the arrest of the Imam of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Dr. Saleh Al-Talib, who was detained by Saudi authorities on August 19, 2018, following his criticism of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s policies.

Despite a court ruling from the Special Criminal Court in early 2022 acquitting him, the Appeals Court overturned the decision and sentenced him to 10 years in prison, a sentence deemed insufficient by the Supreme Court.

Dr. Al-Talib has faced numerous violations, including a sudden arrest at the airport upon his return from a trip abroad with his family, during which his children and wife were terrified. He was also subjected to enforced disappearance for a month after his arrest and faced severe restrictions on his communication with his family.

SANAD Organisation for Human Rights is calling on Saudi authorities to immediately release Dr. Saleh Al-Talib, respect his scholarly and social status, and ensure freedom of expression without harassment or threats.

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