The ongoing detention of young Musa Al-Ghannami in Saudi Arabia 

Musa Al-Ghannami's arrest is part of the ongoing crackdown

Saudi authorities have been detaining Musa Al-Ghannami since September 2017 as part of their crackdown on citizens and residents. Al-Ghannami was arrested on vague and malicious charges, which the Saudi authorities use to circumvent the law and suppress citizens. He was accused of collaborating with foreign entities and jeopardizing state security.

In prison, Musa Al-Ghannami has suffered severe human rights violations since his arbitrary arrest, including being denied contact with his family, undergoing an unfair trial, as well as medical neglect and poor detention conditions.

SANAD Organisation for Human Rights calls on Saudi authorities to release Musa Al-Ghannami immediately and compensate him appropriately. The organization also demands the release of all prisoners of conscience in Saudi prisons and an end to the ongoing crackdowns against citizens and residents in Saudi Arabia.

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