The health of activist Abu Bejad Al-Harf deteriorates in prison
The activist and snapchat celebrity Abu Bejad Al-Harif suffered a serious health deterioration in his cell, after which he was transferred to the prison hospital.
The Twitter account of prisoners of conscience, concerned with detainees’ affairs, stated that Abu Bejad had suffered a stroke and was subsequently transferred to the prison hospital.
It is noteworthy that Abu Bejad who was active on social media and famous on SnapChat, was arrested by Ibn Salman’s regime in early 2022, while the reasons for the arrest and the accusations against him remain unclear.
Sanad Organisation calls on the Saudi regime to stop the medical negligence and deliberate abuse that are systematically practiced against prisoners of conscience. Sanad also demand the Saudi authorities to disclose the circumstances of Abu Bejad’s arrest, expedite the resolution of his case, and release him without delay.