Dr. Saad Al-Otaibi… 4 years of imprisonment and abuse

The state continues to detain those who express their opinion, thinkers and influencers in society – including Sheikh Dr. Saad Al-Otaibi – ignoring totally the provisions of the laws that criminalise the suppression and violation of freedoms.

For 4 years, Sheikh Al-Otaibi has been languishing in the darkness of government prisons, suffering injustice, violations and abuse by the jailers.

Sheikh Saad bin Matar Al-Otaibi, a scholar in Islamic politics and public systems, was arbitrarily arrested on 25th September 2017, during the campaign of arrests that affected a number of intellectuals and activists, and he is still under arrest.

The authority continues to detain Al-Otaibi, because of his expression of opinions and his refusal to reconcile with Israel and his support the Palestinian cause.

For its part, the human rights organisation SANAD calls on the concerned authorities to respect the right to expression, to refrain from considering it a crime punishable by law, and to release Sheikh Al-Otaibi and all prisoners of conscience.

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