Dawood Al-Ali Sentenced to 25 Years for Tweets Against Normalization with Israel
Dawood Al-Ali Sentenced to 25 Years for Tweets Against Normalization with Israel
Saudi authorities have continued to detain tweeter Dawood Al-Ali since December 2020 due to tweets he posted on the platform X (formerly Twitter), in which he expressed his rejection of normalization with the Israeli entity.
In this context, the Saudi judiciary previously issued a 25-year prison sentence for the same tweets, highlighting the repressive nature of the Saudi authorities targeting citizens and residents in Saudi Arabia. A single tweet can lead to a death sentence or decades in prison.
In this regard, SANAD Organisation for Human Rights strongly condemns this sentence, considering it a blatant violation of freedom of expression and individuals’ right to peacefully express their opinions without fear of retaliation. The sentence against Dawood Al-Ali reflects the increasing crackdown on freedom of opinion in Saudi Arabia and represents a serious regression in the field of human rights. SANAD calls for the annulment of the sentence and the immediate and unconditional release of Dawood Al-Ali.