Six Years Since the Arrest of Dr. Anas Al-Mazrou: Detained for Defending Human Rights
These days mark the sixth anniversary of the arrest of Dr. Anas Al-Mazrou, an academic and human rights advocate who was detained on March 18, 2019, following his participation in the Riyadh Book Fair, where he delivered a speech addressing the state of human rights in Saudi Arabia and voiced his support for prisoners of conscience.
Despite the passing of six years, Dr. Al-Mazrou remains in arbitrary detention, without a fair trial or any clear legal resolution to his case. During his imprisonment, he has reportedly faced numerous violations, including mistreatment, deliberate medical neglect, and denial of regular communication with his family, in addition to the Saudi authorities’ continued delay in releasing him or formally resolving his case.
Sanad Human Rights Organization strongly condemns the ongoing detention of Dr. Anas Al-Mazrou, considering it a flagrant violation of international law and fundamental human rights principles.
Sanad calls for the immediate and unconditional release of Dr. Al-Mazrou, and demands that he be fully compensated for the serious harm and suffering he has endured throughout his years of arbitrary imprisonment.