SANAD Human Rights Organization Submits Report to UK Parliament’s Human Rights Committee on Saudi Transnational Repression Against Activists

SANAD has submitted a detailed report to the Human Rights Committee in the UK Parliament, documenting Saudi Arabia’s transnational repression against activists and dissidents residing in the United Kingdom. The report highlights the serious risks these individuals face as the Saudi government continues its efforts to silence opposition voices beyond its borders.

The report explains that Saudi authorities have not limited their repression to domestic persecution but have also actively targeted activists abroad, including in the UK, using various methods designed to harass, intimidate, and threaten their security and stability.

According to documented cases, the report has identified at least six Saudi activists living in the UK who have been subjected to cross-border repression by the Saudi government and its agents. These findings raise serious concerns about ongoing human rights violations and the threat to individuals’ safety and freedoms.

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