The Sixth Anniversary of the Arrest of Dr. Safar Al-Hawali and His Sons: Human Rights Violations and International Demands for Their Release

The Sixth Anniversary of the Arrest of Dr. Safar Al-Hawali and His Sons: Human Rights Violations and International Demands for Their Release

These days mark the sixth anniversary of the arrest of Dr. Safar Al-Hawali and his sons Abdullah, Abdulrahman, and Abdulrahim al-Hawali, in addition to his brother Saadallah al-Hawali and his office manager Dr. Ismail al-Hassan, in July 2018.

Dr. Safar al-Hawali was arrested following a brutal raid on his home due to a draft book he authored that criticized the situation in Saudi Arabia and its governance, offering advice to the society, scholars, and the ruling family. His daughter lost her ability to speak due to the psychological shock from the violent arrest executed by several security personnel who forcefully knocked on the doors and stormed the house once the door was opened, causing her a shock that rendered her speechless.

In 2019, the Saudi government released Sheikh Safar al-Hawali’s youngest son, Ibrahim, seven months after his arrest without any charges. His release came after senior members of the al-Hawali family guaranteed to present him whenever requested. Ibrahim al-Hawali was prohibited from communicating with his family throughout his detention period.

The Sanad Human Rights Organization obtained information in September 2022 indicating that Dr. Safar’s sons were subjected to severe psychological torture by restricting their visits and communication with their families. They were placed in cells with criminals and extremists to physically harm them. Sanad sources also revealed that Saudi authorities withheld medications from them, and other human rights sources reported that Dr. Safar’s sons endured physical torture.

The violations against Dr. Safar al-Hawali’s sons extended beyond the brutal arrest and torture in prison. The Court of Appeal doubled the prison sentences against the al-Hawali sons. The court increased Abdulrahman’s sentence from 7 years to 17 years, Abdullah’s from 6 years to 16 years, and Abdulrahim’s from 6 years to 15 years, adding to the series of violations they faced. In response to the continuous abuses and unjust sentences, Abdulrahim, Abdullah, and Abdulrahman al-Hawali announced in January 2023 that they would go on a hunger strike until these sentences were annulled. The violations also affected Saadallah, whose sentence was increased from 4 years to 14 years, and the office manager’s from 10 years to 12 years.

In May 2024, the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities issued a decision regarding Saudi Arabia’s detention of Dr. Safar al-Hawali in isolation without trial. The experts concluded that al-Hawali’s treatment amounted to torture, arbitrary detention, and enforced disappearance, violating his rights to health and access to justice, constituting complete rights violations.

Similarly, the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention issued an opinion in April 2023 regarding Dr. Safar al-Hawali’s arrest, concluding that his detention was arbitrary and fell under categories I, II, III, and V. The experts confirmed that his detention was due to his peaceful exercise of his right to freedom of opinion and expression, and participation in public affairs, violating Articles 7, 19, and 21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The group called on Saudi authorities to release him immediately.

SANAD Organisation for Human Rights urges the Saudi government to immediately release Dr. Safar al-Hawali, his sons, his brother, and his office manager unconditionally. It also calls on human rights organizations and relevant institutions to continue pressing the Saudi authorities until al-Hawali and his family members are released.

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