The Third Anniversary of the Arrest of Activist Abdulrahman Al-Sheikhi

The Third Anniversary of the Arrest of Activist Abdulrahman Al-Sheikhi

These days mark the third anniversary of the arrest of Saudi activist Abdulrahman Al-Sheikhi, who was detained in May 2021 for demanding job opportunities for Saudi youth.

Al-Sheikhi faces harsh conditions in prison, where he has been subjected to mistreatment and deprivation of his basic rights. Despite not being granted a fair trial, his detention continues without any signs of his release.

On this anniversary, SANAD Organisation for Human Rightsreiterates its calls for the release of Abdulrahman Al-Sheikhi and all prisoners of conscience in Saudi Arabia. SANAD Organisation emphasizes the necessity of respecting human rights and ensuring freedom of expression in Saudi Arabia.

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