Manahel Al-Otaibi Sentenced to 11 Years in Prison

Manahel Al-Otaibi Sentenced to 11 Years in Prison

The Specialized Criminal Court has sentenced activist Manahel Al-Otaibi to 11 years in prison for charges related to freedom of expression and defending women’s rights.

On January 9, 2024, the Specialized Criminal Court convicted Al-Otaibi, sentencing her to 11 years for crimes that the court claimed were related to terrorism.

Al-Otaibi was initially summoned by the Saudi authorities to the Press Police Center in Riyadh in November 2022, and was transferred the same day to Al-Malaz Prison. She then experienced enforced disappearance from November 2023 until she was able to communicate with a family member on April 14, 2024. During this communication, she reported suffering from harsh detention conditions and sustaining a broken leg.

SANAD Organisation for Human Rights expresses its profound concern and strong condemnation of the 11-year prison sentence imposed on Saudi activist Manahel Al-Otaibi, citing charges related to freedom of opinion on social media. SANAD Organisation affirms that this harsh sentence reflects the continued systematic repressive policy of the Saudi authorities against voices calling for reform and change, and against freedom of speech and opinion in Saudi Arabia.

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