Human rights sources: Dr. Al-Ajimi suffers from a severe health condition
Human rights sources: Dr. Al-Ajimi suffers from a severe health condition
Human rights sources confirmed the deterioration of Dr. Khaled Al-Ajimi’s health condition, as he has been diagnosed recently with Alzheimer, and symptoms had clearly begun to appear on him, while the Saudi authorities is continuing to detain him since September 2017.
Saudi authorities released Dr. Al-Ajimi in August 2021, after his health condition deteriorated, but they re-arrested him in November of the same year, and did not take into account his deteriorating health condition, which has worsened in the recent period. Despite that, the Saudi judiciary sentenced him to 23 years without legal justification.
SANAD expresses its deep concern for the health and safety of Dr. Khaled Al-Ajimi, and calls on the Saudi government to immediately release him, and to ensure that he receives the necessary treatment, in order to avoid the further deterioration in his health condition.